

Authentic People Authentic Results

Introduce yourself (name, where you’re from, what you do)

Chris Wallace-Harrison, Buyers Agent for Northern Rivers region, avid property investor, business owner, Husband and father of 3, surfer and inspiring property developer.

1-2 reasons why you took an interest in land subdivision/property development?

Property Investing is a passion of mine, as is the opportunity to create a legacy for my family that the financial gains of property development presents.

Explain, briefly, the work you’ve done with Adam?

A number of one on one educational sessions, consisting of high level methodology sessions revolving around searching for the right properties.

Feasibility education and how to run the numbers of potential sites.

Actual site analysis and number crunching on potential deals.

Guidance around interations and deal brokering with REA’s.

In what ways has the mentoring experience with Adam assisted your pathway/direction into land subdivision development.

Peeled back the mystery around steps required to put a deal together.

Provided confidence that when the right site comes along, I will be able to execute.

Can you share a particular moment or piece of advice you’ve received from Adam that has stuck with you?

You have to kiss a lot of frogs to discover the princess

If you were recommending Adam’s mentoring and expertise to someone, what would you say were the main benefits?

The education and mentoring provides confidence in moving forward towards a deal.

What advice would you have for someone thinking about a land development project?

Start now, start the process, get educated, adopt a mentor.  It is the opposite from an overnight thing, so the sooner you get started, the closer you get to your first deal

Chris Wallace-Harrison

Buyers Agent for Northern Rivers

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"An Introduction to Land Subdivision"